• Info@halifaxsar.ca
SAR Values

SAR Values

For nearly 50 years, Halifax Search and Rescue (HSAR) has based all actions and decisions on professionalism and compassion for lost subjects, the team, and ourselves. We respect and care for one another both within and outside the Search and Rescue environment and apply integrity, accountability, effectiveness, and teamwork to all our volunteer efforts. become a volunteer

Volunteering at HSAR 

Being part of the team fulfills a variety of interests and areas of specialization – be they related to on-the-ground searching, managing the logistics of a search and rescue operation, educating the public, organizing fundraising events, or working behind the scenes to assist with the administration of the organization.

Orienteering, digital mapping, cooking, management, tracking, mechanical know-how, first aid, radio communications, event planning, fundraising, boating, accounting, IT, grant writing – the list of skill sets goes on. Volunteer expertise at HSAR is numerous and varied and all roles are vital to supporting the team.